Too many people, families, travelers and tourists are looking foward to try something new such as scuba diving. Through the course ´Discover Scuba Diving´ is easy and cheap way to enjoy the underwater world; you will get to enjoy this experience for several hours a day. Many of these people are caught by the charm of the marine life and the feeling of freedom and weightlessness that you get scuba diving.
However, there are protocols and standards to be followed to make sure the experience is fun and safe. The PADI instructor manual 2010 sets standards that must be followed to make this program.
In This table you will see the people authorized to make the different sessions and the maximum number of participants per session. Please be aware that the open water dives can only be conducted by a certified instructor, check his license before going diving. And if there are any children between the ages of 10-11 the maximum number of students is 2 per instructor.
* After participants have completed an initial open water dive with an instructor
This minicourse has three sections
1. Develop of knowledge
The participants should see a 20 minute video, complete the security questions and attend to the talk given by the instructor about:
a. Rules of breathing and compensation techniques.
b. The purpose and use of the equipment.
c.The hand signals to communicate underwater.
d. Regulator and mask clearing.
e. The respect of the aquatic life (when included dives at sea)
f. The importance of following guidelines and staying close to the instructor.
g.The limitations of the program and the value of further training.
2. Confined water session

•Clearing the regulator
•Regulator recovery
•Mask clearing
•Compensation techniques
•Inflate and deflate the BCD on the surface (is required only when is done in a swimming pool. It shouldnt be done at sea)
After completing the exercises and when the partipants are confortable they can do a maximum dive at 6 mts depth
3. Open Water Diving 12 mts.
This section is optional; many resorts in the world only offer this program in a pool without open water dives. In aquantis we offer the full package with a 12mts dive to enjoy the marine life that Park Tayrona got to offer.If point 1 and 2 and successfuly completed the partisipants will get given a card of partisipation, which will give you credit for taking the open wáter certification course or to return to dive to a maximum depth of 12mts with professional company without having to repeat the exercises in confined waters and you will be registered online at PADI.
So come on, next time you are on vacation, come and try it and we are sure you will come out the water with a big smile and very looking forward to do it again.